Question : how do i get the timezone
How do i get all the time zones using vb.net in a single combo box,
i have tried all these..... imports system.timezone
dim tz as string = timezone.[many things here]
Please can i get to know how do i interact with the timezone class and the timezone registry to get all the time zones that the system has..... Please help me at the earliest....
Answer : how do i get the timezone
kals, The function GetTimeZones will return the TimeZone name and the TimeZone display (Which includes a little more information about the time zone) as a two dimensional array. You should be able to use it to add the time zones to a combo box.
Let me know if it works for you...
''' Example function that uses GetTimeZones() ''' Sub Main() Dim timeZones As String(,) Dim i As Long timeZones = GetTimeZones()
For i = 0 To UBound(timeZones) - 1 Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", timeZones(i, 0), timeZones(i, 1)) Next Console.Read() End Sub
''' The Function I think you are looking for ''' Public Function GetTimeZones() As String(,) Dim rTimeZones As RegistryKey Dim rTimeZone As RegistryKey Dim sTimeZones As String() Dim sTimeZonesKey As String Dim sTimeZoneKey As String Dim retVal As String(,) Dim i As Long
'Check for WinNT/2K sTimeZonesKey = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Time Zones" rTimeZones = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(sTimeZonesKey, False)
'Check for Win98/XP If (rTimeZones Is Nothing) Then sTimeZonesKey = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Time Zones" rTimeZones = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(sTimeZonesKey, False) End If
sTimeZones = rTimeZones.GetSubKeyNames() ReDim retVal(sTimeZones.Length, 2) For i = 0 To sTimeZones.Length - 1 sTimeZoneKey = sTimeZonesKey & "\\" & sTimeZones(i) rTimeZone = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(sTimeZoneKey) retVal(i, 0) = sTimeZones(i) retVal(i, 1) = rTimeZone.GetValue("Display") Next Return retVal End Function