Question : XL: Print userform in Landscape


I have built an application using Excel.  One of the functions is to view records on a userform and be able to print them out using the PrintForm method.  Unfortunately all the information won't fit on the userform in portrait as the height is restricted by the size of the screen.  I have therefore re-arranged the form to landscape so it will fit on the screen.  However, I cannot get it to print in Landscape so the right hand side of the form is missing.  I have tried using:

Printer.Orientation = vbPRORLandscape

as suggested on question
but I get:

Run-time error '424':

Object required

Does anyone know how this can be done?


Answer : XL: Print userform in Landscape

you might take a look at next link which also has explanation about printing in landscape.

I hope this works for you
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