Question : Cannot Access POP3/SMTP through outlook express but Webmail is fine.
For some reason, a user is having problems using pop3/smtp with outlook express. User is able to login to webmail with no problem, but when trying to access email through outlook express, it keeps saying that it's not the right password. Here's an example.
webmail.xxxx.com: Username: Domain\user password: 1234
Outlook express: smtp/pop3 set at webmail.xxxx.com username: Domain\user password: 1234
With webmail on IE, it works, but with outlook express, it doesn't authenticate.
I'm only having this problem with 2-3 users, but everyone else is fine.. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Answer : Cannot Access POP3/SMTP through outlook express but Webmail is fine.
Yes, the alias can be changed in Active Directory Users and Computers. It's on the Exchange General tab.