Question : How Can an Admin Grant Read Permissions to Another User's Mailbox?
How can an Exchange 2007 admin grant a user only Read permissions to another user's mailbox?
This cmdlet works but gives full access which is not desired: add-mailboxpermission -identity username.withmailbox -user username.wantstoreadmailbox -accessrights fullaccess
This cmdlet fails to allow the user to open the mailbox: add-mailboxpermission -identity username.withmailbox -user username.wantstoreadmailbox -accessrights readpermission
I have searched Technet and with Google far and wide and it seems examples of granting rights to a mailbox always gives an example using FullAccess. How do you grant only Read permissions?
Answer : How Can an Admin Grant Read Permissions to Another User's Mailbox?
I don't think you can assign permissions to review/read only via this method. You would need to use the delegate option or a tool like pfdavadmin to set reviewer permissions on the mailbox folders that the user needs read only access to.
Via the AD/Exchange permissions level its full access or nothing to open a mailbox. Using delegates/pfdavadmin is a MAPI operation which allows more granular control.