'This formula will probably come in handy (whether used to calculate points for a circle, or the expanded border):
'Destination point given distance and bearing from start point:
Public Function CalculateDistance()
'd is distance traveled in radians - 225 miles in this case
d = 225 / 3963.1676
'lat1 = Latitude of the starting position
lat1 = 0.706009923115762
'lon1 = Longitude of the starting position
lon1 = 1.14667647042346
'brg is the bearing from lat1/lon1 in radians
brng = 180 * Pi / 180
lat2 = ArcSin(Sin(lat1) * Cos(d) + Cos(lat1) * Sin(d) * Cos(brng))
lon2 = lon1 + Application.WorksheetFunction.Atan2(Cos(d) - Sin(lat1) * Sin(lat2), Sin(brng) * Sin(d) * Cos(lat1))
End Function
Function ArcSin(X As Double) As Double
ArcSin = Atn(X / Sqr(-X * X + 1))
End Function