Question : IFF Statement

I have a query that gives me the following results:

                      BegHours    EndingHours       TotalTimeRun

                            36.2             36.7                 30 Minutes

The TotalTimeRun is a calculated field.  I would like to add an IFF statement to the calculated field:

If BegHours is empty (or 00.0) then TotalTimeRun = 00.0

Here is the SQL of my query:

SELECT tGenHours.[WO#], tGenHours.MAXEQNUM, tGenHours.[Gen#], tGenHours.Month, tGenHours.BegHours, tGenHours.NoLoadHrs, tGenHours.Loadhours, ([LoadHours]-[BegHours])*60 AS ElapsedTimeInMinutes
FROM tGenHours;



Answer : IFF Statement

In place of:

([LoadHours]-[BegHours])*60 AS ElapsedTimeInMinutes


 IIF(ConvertNulls([BegHours],0) = 0, 0,([LoadHours]-[BegHours])*60) AS ElapsedTimeInMinutes

 ConvertNulls() you may already have (it sometimes called NtoZ).  If not, I've posted it below.  Just put the code in a module.  If this is A97 or better, You can just use Nz() (it's built in).

  The statement would then be:

IIF(NZ([BegHours],0) = 0, 0,([LoadHours]-[BegHours])*60) AS ElapsedTimeInMinutes


' FUNCTION : ConvertNulls
' PURPOSE  : Converts the specified variant to a new value if it
'            is null, otherwise it returns the variant.
Function ConvertNulls (v As Variant, subs As Variant) As Variant
    If (IsNull(v)) Then
        ConvertNulls = subs
        ConvertNulls = v
    End If
End Function

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