Question : ActionScript and HTTP_REFERER


I have an swf which calls an ASP file using

request_obj.sendAndLoad ("url", response_obj, "GET");

the ASP file checks for HTTP_REFERER to validate the origin of the call..

      IF request.servervariables("http_referer") <> "" then
      End if

sadly, the returned http_referer is empty...

I saw this also happening using PHP...

how can I get the correct data from http_referer ?


Answer : ActionScript and HTTP_REFERER

Quoted from above:

"HTTP_REFERER will be empty if the user visited the site without clicking a
link. Also, it is possible that the agent is not sending the referer. Some
security software will prvent a browser from sending this.

The only reliable way to do what you want is to have affliates use a code
sent on the querystring - e.g. You could then either do
something with this code in your ASPX page (Like log to a DB) or analyse
your log files. The latter would require that you manually link the
affiliate code to the actual person/company, where as logging to a DB etc
could allow alot more scope, for example you could automatically reward the
affliate when the referer code got to a given value."

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