Question : pop up window...
I have a text field & button in my html page. If I click on the button, a new window is opened with a perl pgm called (with a couple of inputs to it).
The pop-up code for the button click is as follows: window.open("/cgi-bin/c_test.cgi?username=_abcman&domain_name=xyz.com", "Addresses", "height=400,width=300,resizable,scrollbars");
This perl pgm reads some data from a DB, depending on the inputs, and prints it to the pop up window. There are some checkboxes, etc. & also a submit button printed on the pop up window. If I click on this submit button, I want some particular values (depends on the user input in the popup) to appear on the text field in the parent window. I tried "opener. " etc but it doesn't work.
What shld I do? I hope I made myself clear.
Answer : pop up window...
window.opener.changevalues(value1, value2)
this'll call a javascript function with parameters in the opener window...
so, the page will use that javascript function to change the values of that particular form etc.
Regards, CJ