Question : How do I correct the "pvutil.dll was not found" error when opening Adobe Acrobat Standard?

When executing Adobe Acrobat Standard 7.1, the user receives the following error, "This application has failed to start because pvutil.dll was not found.  Re-installing the application may fix this problem." I have tried to do a Detect and Repair and no affect. I have tried to completely uninstall the software, reboot, reinstall the software and then reboot again and no affect. The only thing I found online was which did not specify where to download the pvutil.dll file. Note: This system did have both Adobe Reader 9.0 and Adobe Acrobat Standard 7.1 installed at the same time. Adobe Reader 9.0 has been completely uninstalled.

Answer : How do I correct the "pvutil.dll was not found" error when opening Adobe Acrobat Standard?

Have you done a Windows search for "pvutil.dll"?
Have you searched the Acrobat setup CD for "pvutil.dll"?

Be sure to set the Windows search to advanced options and show hidden and system files.

I DO NOT recommend that you start roaming the Internet and downloading DLL files, especially given the fact that there are so many malicious sites that try to run bogus Virus scans and install rogue programs on your PC.

I did this for you, at great risk to my own PC :-)

I did manage to download a fle named PVUTIL.DLL from a Russian site.  I won't give you the link because I don't want you to try using it in case it is a nasty file.  Instead, I have checked out a few things about it and you can check your system to see if any of the findings match up.

The file's properties show as:

CompanyName ~ EDS
FileDescription ~ PVUtil Module
FileVersion ~
InternalName ~ RELEASE_5X/pvutil
LegalCopyright ~ Copyright ©2004 Unigraphics Solutions Inc.
OriginalFilename ~ PVUtil.dll
ProductName ~ Teamcenter Visualization
ProductVersion ~ 5.1.0

This file can obviously be licensed as part of another program, and probably is on your computer.  Perhaps it exists as a part of a Plugin for Adobe Acrobat for Network Printing or sharing across a meeting or something similar, but it definitely seems to be a "Previewer" for various graphic or PostScript file types (or groups of file types) including:

TIFF, MILR, SunRaster, IGES, Postscript, HPGL, CGM, DXF, PDF, DWG.

I found the following ReadMe.txt file on a Japanese site that relates to a Service Pack for "Teamcenter Visualization 2005":

In that, I found a couple of possibly relevant sections:

Teamcenter Visualization is a suite of product visualization software
for Windows and UNIX platforms.

Teamcenter Visualization SR1 MP3 now supports Visio 2007.

Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (SP2) introduces a number of security related enhancements, including a firewall that is enabled by default. To ensure that Teamcenter Visualization functions correctly, you must give it the appropriate permissions within the Windows security settings.

Viewing PDF Files with Adobe Acrobat and Multiple Teamcenter Visualization Installations

On Windows, PDF viewing with support from Adobe Acrobat will not work when Teamcenter Visualization 5.x and Teamcenter Visualization 2005 SR1 installations exist on the same machine.

To work around this problem, remove the PVUtil.dll file from the WINDOWS / SYSTEM32 directory, or uninstall the Teamcenter Visualization 5.x installation. Note that if the PVUtil.dll file is removed from the WINDOWS/SYSTEM32 directory, when working with Teamcenter Visualization 5.x you will no longer be able to view PDF files using Adobe Acrobat.

Given that I do not know much at all about Microsoft Visio, other than the fact that I once downloaded the "Visio Viewer" just in case I ever happen to encounter a "Visio File", the above DOES seem VERY relevant even though it is not clear whether it is referring to Acrobat Reader or the full Acrobat.

Do you have the file:
C:\Program Files\Support Tools\depends.exe
That's Windows XP's "Dependency Walker" support tool.  You can check the dependencies of the .exe file that you launch Adobe Acrobat from to see if "pvutil.dll" shows up with a failure flag using the following command.  In the example command I will assume that the program name is "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.1\Acrobat\Acro32.exe", but you need to replace this with the correct path:

Start Menu > Run > and type the following command > click OK

depends "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.1\Acrobat\Acro32.exe"

After a short delay, the Dependency Walker window will show.
Look for failure notices in red.

Your Event Viewer may also have logged the error messages.
Right-Click My Computer > Manage > Event Viewer.
Look for events matching the last time you encountered the error and double-click the event to see details.  This may give you the path to the missing DLL file so that you may ascertain if this issue DOES relate to the "TeamCenter" connection I discovered.

I mentioned that perhaps this DLL is part of a package that uses the DLL under license.  There is evidence of this if you read this page:

"Because JT2Go is based on the Teamcenter Visualization iSeries products ..."
Links to:
which in turn redirects to the following Siemens page:

It seems also that testers and reviewers use the graphic rendering of Teamcenter Visualization" to benchmark graphics cards.  Last link on this page:,3.html

So, there are a lot of possibilities here to look at, but have you run a sarch in REGEDIT to see if there is a setting dictating where the DLL file is expected to be?

If you REALLY want to try dropping the DLL file I found into a folder to see if it fixes the issue, then I will give you the download link for the version of "pvutil.dll", but I WILL NOT accept responsibility for any bad outcome:

Right-Click link > Save TARGET As > SAVE to any folder.
Go to that folder and run a Virus Scan on the saved file.  Mine is negative.
Right-Click > rename "PVUTIL.DLL" to "PVUTIL.ZIP".
Extract the contents, which will be one file ("pvutil.dll") to its own folder.
Run a Virus Scan on the extracted DLL.  Mine is negative.
Right-Click > Properties.  The file should match mine.

I am confident that this is a genuine DLL file, and fairly confident that it is not infected with malware in any form, but that's the reason I urge people never to just download and try to use DLL files from unknown web sites.
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