Hi Experts, Bit involved this, here goes.
My investigations into an issue started with the error being returned from a call to sp_xml_preparedocument: XML parsing error: An Invalid character was found in text content.
I read up on this, and duly changed the @xmlfile parameter being passed to the call: exec sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc output, @xmlfile
..to an ntext column. This worked ok, until I realised that the client code (which is going to be a pain to change at this stage), passes the encoding header:
So, this meant, I now received the error: XML parsing error: Switch from current encoding to specified encoding not supported.
If I did a replace of this encoding within QA and called my proc, using: encoding="windows-1251" ...then all was good, so I figured I could just run this find/replace within my stored proc on the ntext XML before passing it to the sp_xml_preparedocument statement.
So now it gets really interesting/spikey.
I'm trying to use UPDATETEXT to amend the ntext field, which I can successfully do, but only if I send the @xmlfile contents into a temporary table. However, the xp_xml_preparedocument statement won't accept a column, it insists on a variable.
Obviously SQL has succeeded in closing off all my useful options, by returning: The assignment operator operation cannot take a ntext data type as an argument. ...when I try and set the amended data in the table, back to the variable.
Please help!
Below is the excerpt from the proc: ******************************************************* CREATE PROCEDURE docsadm.ao_sp_set_subscribedmatters @user_id varchar(20), @xmlfile ntext, @confirm_remove_all bit=0, @debug bit=0 AS
--environment set nocount on
--temp tables
--create temporary table to hold xmlfile, so that updatetext functions --UPDATETEXT does not appear to work against ntext variables if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#xmlfile') is not null drop table #xmlfile create table #xmlfile (xmlfile ntext)
--declarations declare @idoc int declare @nfindtxt nvarchar(200) declare @nreplacetxt nvarchar(200) declare @txtlen int declare @ptr binary(16) declare @pos int
--Insert XML text into Table insert #xmlfile select @xmlfile
--Replace encoding header in XML to fix entended character issues select @nfindtxt=N'encoding="utf-8"' select @nreplacetxt=N'encoding="windows-1251"' select @txtlen=len(@nfindtxt) select @ptr=textptr(xmlfile) from #xmlfile select @pos=charindex(@nfindtxt, @xmlfile)-1
updatetext #xmlfile.xmlfile @ptr @pos @txtlen @nreplacetxt
--select xmlfile from #xmlfile
--select @xmlfile=(select xmlfile from #xmlfile)
--create an internal representation of the XML doc --exec sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc output, @xmlfile exec sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc output, @xmlfile