Question : LKCD (Linux Kernel Crash Dump) problem
I was told that the lkcd and the lcrash can dump the kernel state when kernel oops or panic has occurred.
So I use the Asianux 1.0 and SuSE enterprise 8 (2.4.19-4GB) to perform the dump test, however, in both version of Linux, I encounter the same problem
my lkcd dumping is fine, I can dump to the swap then store into HDD (under #var/log/dump/0), but when I tried to invoke lcrash (lcrash -n 0 ) to analysis the
dump file, it always compile about the following:
"Loading ksyms from dump ... Failed."
================full message here==========
map = map.0
dump = dump.0
kerntypes = kerntypes.0
Please wait...
Check dump architecture:
Dump arch set.
Init host arch specific data ... Done.
Init dump arch specific data ... Done.
Loading system map ... Done.
Set dump specific data ... Done.
Loading type info (Kerntypes) ... Done.
Loading ksyms from dump ... Failed.
not found in dump file
I have no idea what's going wrong, I believe I did everything that has been described on the following link:
please help me, thank you for your kindly help, I really appreciate it. :)
Answer : LKCD (Linux Kernel Crash Dump) problem
It seams that lkcd isnt putting the info in the dump file so you have to load it separate. Howto do this is written in the lcrash howto I posted earlier.
Maybe its possible to configure lkdc to specifically put the information in the dumpfile.
You have to check the info on lkdc for that.
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