Question : Record Groups , How ?
I have a product code column in a detail master(multi records) in which i have to check the duplication. I have created a Record Group to check for duplication . There seems to be some problem. Please have a look at the code and reply.
HI, I have added createGroup for creating the RG. and made changes to code as varchar2(64), still error remains.
DECLARE rg_name varchar(30) := 'my_group'; rg_id RecordGroup; gc_id GroupColumn; errcode number; code char; BEGIN rg_id := Find_Group(rg_name); IF Id_Null(rg_id) THEN rg_id := Create_Group(rg_name); gc_id := Add_Group_Column(rg_id,'app_code',CHAR_COLUMN,6); end if; END; Code here ......
declare rg_id RecordGroup; gc_id GroupColumn; code char;
BEGIN rg_id := Find_group('my_group'); IF Id_null(rg_id) then Message('Record Group '|| 'my_group' || ' does not exist'); end if; gc_id := Find_column('my_group.app_code'); IF Id_null(gc_id) then Message('Column does not exist'); end if; Error HERE (FRM-41084 Error Getting Group Cell ------------------------------------------------------------- code := Get_Group_Char_Cell('my_group.app_code',1); - end;
Answer : Record Groups , How ?
You are creating your regord group correctly, also the column.
The problem you are faced with is that the ROW needs to be created before you assign a value to it.
Therefore for each row you create call the ADD_GROUP_ROW function.
Below is a working example. Regards
PROCEDURE testcreate IS rg_name varchar(30) := 'my_group'; rg_id RecordGroup; gc_id GroupColumn; errcode number; code varchar2(30); BEGIN rg_id := Find_Group(rg_name);
IF Id_Null(rg_id) THEN rg_id := Create_Group(rg_name); END IF; gc_id := Find_column('my_group.app_code'); IF Id_null(gc_id) THEN gc_id := Add_Group_Column(rg_id,'app_code',CHAR_COLUMN,6); END IF;
ADD_GROUP_ROW(rg_id, 1); SET_GROUP_CHAR_CELL(gc_id,1,'Hello'); code := Get_Group_Char_Cell(gc_id,1);
message (code); pause; END;