Question : What happend's on pressing a button?
What happends (what information send's) the Internet Explorer or any other explorer, when I push a button on a site?
Answer : What happend's on pressing a button?
why do u need to press a button on IE?
If u want any event or action to take place u need a button or any other to fulfill that action.
when u r pressing a button on a site ur sending a request to the web server to do that action.
Using ordinary html pages u cannot pass data to next page as they are static.Of course u have cookies to pass data from one page to other in HTML alone but the data wont be secured and large amounts of data cannot be passed.
In order the web server to interpret the data u have to use web languages where the requests are done at web server and the response is returned back to IE.
The form tag is a html tag where u can send the data in two forms when clicked on submit button of the form.one is get method i.e through URL and other is post method.
get method means whatever the data u send it will be sent along with URL(Uniform Resource Locator) i.e Address bar.
it concatenates all the variables and its data separating each with & after the address with a ? in between.
like for example
the data will be sent as "http://www.somesite.com?a="afasd"&b="sdfs"
GET means that form data is to be encoded (by a browser) into a URL while the POST means that the form data is to appear within a message body
If u want to know more abt forms u can visit this link