Question : Selecting Records in Crystal Reports 11
I need to create a report that is based on customer ID records that return multiple records based on the Payer e.g. a customer ID will show 3 records for a particular sale if the Payment consists of 3 payers. e.g
Customer ID Payer Cost
1 BT £100
1 Yahoo £50
1 Google £25
I need to return the data above, showing only on one row e.g.
Customer ID Payer 1 Cost 1 Payer2 Cost2 Payer3 Cost3
1 BT £100 Yahoo £50 Google £25
By using the next function i am only able to show:
Customer ID Payer 1 Cost 1 Payer2 Cost2
1 BT £100 Yahoo £50
The code i have used to achieve this is below and placed in a group header (tiled Payer 2), to show only one customer ID:
if {CustomerID}= next ({CustomerID}= })
next ({JobInvoiced.PayerName})
To show the Cost2, i have used the following code:
if {CustomerID}= next ({{CustomerID})
next ({JobInvoiced.Gross})
What i want to know is how i can cylce through each record that has the same customer Id number, and then show that data on the same row. The Next function will only allow you to test the next record but i want to keep testing each record that has the same customer ID so there could be upto 4 next records.
I hope this makes sense.
Answer : Selecting Records in Crystal Reports 11
Check the attachments.
Save and change the txt extensions to RPT.
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