Question : ODBC SQL Server [TCP/IP Sockets] Connection Error
After SP 4 installation on MS SQL 7.0 I found problems with clients (ODBC) connectivity. Connection using Name Pipes works fine, but TCP/IP connection fails. The error message on clients is SQL Server Error: 10061, [Microsoft][ODBC SQL server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets] ConnectionOpen (connect())...Connection failed SQLStare: 08001, SQL Server Error:11, [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]General Network Error... SOmething like thta. Additionaly on SQL server machine (MS WIN 4.0 Server - SP6a) I found another info in event viewer: Error: 17826, Severity: 18, State: 1 2002-11-28 09:47:24.38 ods Could not set up ListenOn connection '1433'.. Operating system error 10013.,
I really do not know what to do. Help please.
Answer : ODBC SQL Server [TCP/IP Sockets] Connection Error
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