Question : Windows TServer 2003 Logoff process

I have a 2003 Terminal Server with approximately 50 uses setup.

I am not using Active Directory.

I am looking for a way to kick off those users that don't log off.

I have setup the sessions to log off after 3 hours of inactivity but many of my users stay late and gets included in the 3 hour of inactivity when my backups fire off.

Is there an automated script that I can run that will log off those still logged in?

Answer : Windows TServer 2003 Logoff process

Yes; simply save the following as LogoffRDPSessions.cmd or whatever.cmd; this will logoff all RDP sessions except the one running the script.
The script is currently in test mode, it will only display the logoff commands it would normally run. Remove the capitalized ECHO to run it for real.
Inform your users that they *will* lose data if they leave their programs running on the TS.
@echo off
REM *** Note the space in front of "rdp-tcp#" in the following line!
for /f "tokens=1" %%a in ('query session ^| find /i " rdp-tcp#"') do ECHO logoff.exe %%a
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