Question : quick launch toolbar - show desktop icon is gone!
How can I restore the show desktop icon into my ql toolbar? I went into the ...Microsoft/internet explorer/quicklaunch/ area but it wasn't there. Where is it in the computer.
I used to be able to find it if it was deleted from the ql toolbar in windows 98 by just searching for desktop, but that is not working.
I don't want to restore, because I just reinstalled the entire office suite.
well, when it rains it pours, right?
Answer : quick launch toolbar - show desktop icon is gone!
Copy and paste the following lines into a Notepad file.
[Shell] Command=2 IconFile=explorer.exe,3 [Taskbar] Command=ToggleDesktop
Save the file to your Desktop as Show Desktop.scf. Next left click on the file you just created and drag it down to the Quick Launch bar and release.