Question : Adding Disclaimer for Echange 2003 - for multiple email domains


I'm actually attempting to add a disclaimer for my Exchange 2003 using VBScripts. I had a look at the MS article:;en-us;317680 How to add a disclaimer to outgoing SMTP messages in Visual Basic script and this actually works great.

However, as I am hosting multiple email domains in my exchange environment (ie.,, I need to ensure that the other email domains are sending it out with the dsclaimer as well. As I understand from this article, it builds an event sink which activates the eventsinkscript.vbs when it finds a parameter of "mail from =*". So this actually only solves part of my problem.

How can I do it so that it will add the disclaimer on all the domains which I'm hosting.

Thanks in Advance.

Answer : Adding Disclaimer for Echange 2003 - for multiple email domains

Actually, I figued it out. SMTPScriptingHost is actualy just a param, so if I needed to add additional listeners, I would just run the script like this:
C:\ cscript smtpreg.vbs /add 1 onarrival SMTPScriptingHost1 CDO.SS_SMTPOnArrivalSink "mail from=*"

This would create a second listener for the second email domain. And if you have more then just run the same line and change theSMTPScriptingHost to SMTPScriptingHost2, SMTPScriptingHost3 an so forth.

Once the listener is in, you can configure it to use the same EventSinkScript.vbs or a different one to use a different disclaimer clause. So to attach the action to the listener is:
C:\cscript smtpreg.vbs /setprop 1 onarrival SMTPScriptingHost1 Sink ScriptName "C:\EventSinkScript.vbs"

Works like a charm. I would love to use GFI but now its not free and my company is currently running on very tight financial budgets aka "CHEAP".

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