Question : W2K3 Event ID 12317
The application log is showing
"File Server Resource Manager failed to enumerate share paths or DFS paths. Mappings from local file paths to share and DFS paths may be incomplete or temporarily unavailable. FSRM will retry the operation at a later time.
Error-specific details: Error: (0x8007054b) The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted.
Error: (0x80045306) The specified path is invalid......"
The error appears at least hourly and sometimes more frequently. It appears independent of applications running or not.
Found this on the net http://www.jsifaq.com/SF/Tips/Tip.aspx?id=10888 but authenticated users are already added to the builtin users group.
Sytem performence does not seem degraded.
Answer : W2K3 Event ID 12317
May have led you up the garden path. It should be this...
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SrmSvc\Settings\DisableSearchDfs to 1
Please remeber to reboot the server where you have applied this change.
Let me know.....