Question : Group Policy Win 2003

I was testing out some things with a test organizational unit. I created a new OU called "TEST OU" & then applied a few GPOs under computer configuration. The exact policies I applied was in the computer configurations>windows settings>security settings>system services. I basically disabled a few services. Now I need them started back. I still have the OU in place & have adjusted the policies back to the original settings but the computers in that OU is not adjusting back to what it was before I did this? Am I doing something wrong? Also, I thought about going into the registry of the computers in that OU & deleting the group policy settings & rebott if I could find them. Does anyone know where they are in the registry?

Answer : Group Policy Win 2003

Also if you disabled the services, you may have to explictiyly re-enable them in the GPO.

if you moved the servvoce settings you changed back to default - they may stay disabled - depending on the default setting of the service.

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