Question : Exchange 2007 not recieving emails in!

Hi All, I have just made a new install of MS Exchnage 2007, Problem since doing this is that although I can send & receive emails internally to any of the authoritve domains setup I am unable to send an email from an external source (Hotmail, Tiscali Email, Home account etc) The email does not appear to go anywhere! I have sent an email from another exchnage 2007 system that I set up on another customers site from there I receive an immediate bounce back stating...

Diagnostic information for administrators:

Generating server:

[91.***.235.***] #<[91.***.235.***] #5.0.0 smtp; 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 530-'5.7.1 Client was not authenticated' (delivery attempts: 0)> #SMTP#

I have gone through everything I can see any help would be much appreciated. I have also checked that from an external source I can connect via telnet on port 25 to the exchnage server ie... (telnet 91.***.235.*** 25) I receive the response 220 domain Microsoft ESMTP Mail Service Ready. I have triple checked the ISP is redirecting the MX record to my static ip which is fine as I can also telnet to the domainname port 25 where I recieve the same response.



Answer : Exchange 2007 not recieving emails in!

This has now been resolved so I have cancelled the points.

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