Question : Need help with a perl script taking keyboard input
I am looking for assistance with what seems like a simple script but it's giving me problems. My script simply needs to take input from a user in the form of an IP address and then pass that IP to a function as an argument. Firstly I have no real clue as to how to "enforce" the person entering the data to be made to enter a valid IP address i.e. would not be valid but would be a valid input. Secondly, I need to know how to take that input, once validated as a correct IP address (correctly formatted I guess would be easiest here), and pass it in the form of a variable to another function. To clarify, the script will:
Prompt the user for an IP address validate that the IP entered is correct in it's formatting then prompt the user for a subnet mask determine whether the mask entered was or determine the type of network based on the mask entered i.e. indicates a class B and indicates a class C network pass that inputted IP to a variable pass the inputted mask to a variable
Take that information (IP in a variable and mask in a variable) and pass both to a function. This question is an amendment to a previous question.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Answer : Need help with a perl script taking keyboard input
That's a good recommendation from perldork. I thought there should be a module to do the validating but I didn't know which module to use. I've spent the last 15 minutes looking for one but I was looking in the wrong area; and now I see that perldork found it.
After running a test, I verified that the instructions that I gave you this morning will give you the bit info but I also found an error I made. I have a couple of invalid sub-net masks in the hash. Here's the updated version.
use strict;
# Make sure we load the Infoblox PERL Module #use InfoBloxDNS;
#====== global var declarations ======
my ($ip, $mask, $bits); my %netmask = ( '' => '8', '' => '9', '' => '10', '' => '11', '' => '12', '' => '13', '' => '14', '' => '15', '' => '16', '' => '17', '' => '18', '' => '19', '' => '20', '' => '21', '' => '22', '' => '23', '' => '24', '' => '25', '' => '26', '' => '27', '' => '28', '' => '29', '' => '30', );
#=========== script body =============
# open a connection to the Infoblox server ib_open_connection("", "infoblox") or die "Could not open a connection to the 'infoblox' DNS server <$!>\n";
# Create networks... print "Enter a Q to exit\n"; while (1) { ($ip, $mask, $bits) = get_IP_info(); ib_insert_network($ip, $mask, "", "", "authoritative"); } print "\nAll specified networks now imported on"; print " primary dnsprd.trb.oxhp.com server...\n";
# Close the connection to the Infoblox server ib_close_connection();
#====== subroutine declarations ======
sub get_IP_info { my ($octet1, $ip, $mask); while (not defined $ip) { print "Enter an IP address: "; chomp (my $inputIP = ); if ($inputIP =~ /^Q/i) { ib_close_connection(); exit; } if( $inputIP =~ m/ ^ ( [1-9] | [01]?\d\d | 2[0-4]\d | 25[0-5] ) \. ( \d | [01]?\d\d | 2[0-4]\d | 25[0-5] ) \. ( \d | [01]?\d\d | 2[0-4]\d | 25[0-5] ) \. ( \d | [01]?\d\d | 2[0-4]\d | 25[0-5] ) $ /xo) { $ip = $inputIP; $octet1 = $1; } else { print "$inputIP is not a valid IP address\n"; } } while (not defined $mask) { print "Enter a subnet mask: "; chomp (my $inputmask = ); if ($inputmask =~ /Q/i) { ib_close_connection(); exit; } if (! exists $netmask{$inputmask}) { print "You entered an invalid subnet mask $inputmask\n"; $inputmask = '' if ($octet1 >= 1 && $octet1 <= 126); $inputmask = '' if ($octet1 >= 128 && $octet1 <= 191); $inputmask = '' if ($octet1 >= 192 && $octet1 <= 223); print "The default netmask is $inputmask\n"; print "Do you want to use the default mask Y|N|Quit "; my $ans = ; if ($ans =~ /N/i) { redo; } elsif ($ans =~ /Q/i) { ib_close_connection(); exit; } } $mask = $inputmask; } print "\n"; return ($ip, $mask, $netmask{$mask}); }