Question : How do I tell Perl where to find .pm modules

I am installing CPAN modules, and its looking for a module which is in one of the perl libraries: c:\perl\lib.
According to
                     perl -e "print qq(@INC)"
                     >>  D:/Perl/lib D:/Perl/site/lib
 But when I do a perl Makefile.PL
                    D:\Perl\excel\Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-0.42> perl Makefile.PL
                    Warning: prerequisite Parse::RecDescent 0 not found.
                    Writing Makefile for Spreadsheet::WriteExcel

Answer : How do I tell Perl where to find .pm modules

if you see a module with name ABC::DEF::GHI then you need to put it under your

d:\perl\lib\ABC\DEF\ and name the module (of course it is usually named unless somebody changes it)
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