Question : Select records for current week to date

I'm using Sybase ASA version 8.0.  I have a table with basic sales information such as sales date, sale amount, salesperson and payment method.  I'm trying to write a select query that will return the sum of sales amounts for the current week to date.  Our week starts on Mondays.  Every morning I would like to run this query to return the sales totals for the week going back to and including Monday.  How do I set Monday as the start of the week and then select the records from Monday to now.  Thanks for your help.

Answer : Select records for current week to date

Wrap the SQL in a BEGIN / END block and see if that fixes it.

Another approach, and the one I prefer, it to drop the SQL into a stored procedure.  That does a number of things.  It keeps the SQL out of shell scripts, allow you to tune and debug it much more easily, and simplifies the script since you need only one command on a line to exec the proc.

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