Question : Trim mpg file without loss?
Hi- I have Pinnacle Moviebox. I just captured some VHS tapes to mpg files. I forgot to stop the capture at the end of one of my tapes and the resulting mpg file has an extra 30 minutes of blank video. Is there a way to trim the end of the mpg file WITHOUT losing any resolution on the rest of the mpg file? If so, how - and please explain why this won't result in loss. Technical details and supporting links are always appreciated.
With Regards- Sam
Answer : Trim mpg file without loss?
Sorry about that it is a great little programme if you can get it working. I have been working for a small post-production/sfx house in London and we use it on a daily basis. Another tutorial with pics can be found here: http://personal-computer-tutor.com/abc4/v37/vic37b.htm maybe that will be more use?
If you still have no joy, the another program then that i have never personally used but i believe to be as good, you can find info on here: http://www.videohelp.com/guides.php?link=107
Let me know how it goes, Oli