Question : Accidentally repartiioned a drive, can I recover it

I have 2 x 256 GB drives on a Mac Pro.  I did a raid 0 on about 100 GB of each drive, and I left the space on the end of one of the drives unused.  I then loaded the raid up with some videos.

The problem is that I wanted to create a scratch area on the unused space.  In the disk utility, I selected the unused space, set it to the journaled file system and hit partition.  Unfortunately, this wiped out half of my raid 0 drive.  Is there any way to recover from this, possibly using command line utilities?

Thanks for your help


Answer : Accidentally repartiioned a drive, can I recover it

Unfortunately,  Raid 0  is aimed at producing performance, not resilience.

I think you are going to be looking at forensic recovery to try and get any data back.

I haven't tried this, but they have a demo available: <>

Don't download it to the disk with problems. In fact, don't do anything with the disk with problems, as any changes can affect the data you can recover.

However, if you are feeling lucky, try following the thread at <>

This is a much higher risk strategy, as it assumes that no changes got made beyond the partition tables. If you get it wrong, you could be destroying data that you could otherwise recover via the first option.

Hope this helps.


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