Exchange 2007 is designed to run securely and runs with a Self Signed SSL Certificate with an "Out of the Box" installation.
If you have replaced this certificate then you just need to enable it for use on SMTP. Not doing so will not have any bearings on the servers performance as long as it is enabled for IIS.
Only if the certificate is not enabled for IIS will you have issues with Webmail and Outloock Anywhere (RPC over HTTPS).
Fromt he Powershell run "get-exchangecertificate | fl" to see what certificates are in use, and take a note of the thumbprint for the Certificate that uses the FQDN of the server. (Or find the thumbprint on the certificate installed on a Web Client"
Then in power shell run "Enable-ExchangeCertificate -thumbrpint xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -Services SMTP" where xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is the Thumbprint.
THis should then clear the issue