Question : AIX --  /usr 100%

I am running AIX  This morning i see that /usr  stands at 100% usage.
I am not sure what all stuff i can look for removing.
Please suggest.

Answer : AIX --  /usr 100%

cd /usr
du -sk * |sort -n

and see which are big directories, navigate down them and look for big files / directories
You can look for and delete core (unix crash) programs
find /usr -type f -name core -exec rm {} \;

look for large files
find /usr -size +10000000c
finds files bigger than 10,000,000 bytes (10Mb)
find /usr -name "*.tar"
find tar files, you can maybe compress them
find /usr -size +10000000c -name "*.log"
finds log files greater than 10Mb
look for *.tmp and / or *.temp files as well
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