Question : What is the easiest way to filter out all non-printable characters from a string?
Access 2003, VBA
What is the easiest way to filter out all non-printable characters from a string?
Answer : What is the easiest way to filter out all non-printable characters from a string?
you will need a function to that
place this function in a module
Function CleanString(sString As String) As String
Dim sReturn As String, i sReturn = "" For i = 1 To Len(sString) If (Asc(mid(sString, i, 1)) >= 32 And Asc(mid(sString, i, 1)) <= 127) Then sReturn = sReturn & Chr(Asc(mid(sString, i, 1))) End If Next i CleanString = Trim(sReturn) End Function
just modify the range 32 and 127