Question : Usys tables missing and hidden in BE but visible in FE

I have an access applivation fully functional in Access 2000.  BE and FE all table visible with options System and hidden cliced on.
I move the app to Access 2003 and my Usys  tables are NOT visible on the BE database but are visible  as linked tables in the FE.  I change/add a reecord fron the FE side, do a search to modified files and see that the BE DB was changed.  Open it with all boxes (options) checled on but my Usys tables do not display.
Can you tell me what changed or How I can see the BE Usys tables in the BE DB?

OK If I need to I'll get some Access 2003 develpment books.

Answer : Usys tables missing and hidden in BE but visible in FE



 There's not secret to that; you should be seeing them.  No changes that I can think of.  You may want to create a fresh MDB for the BE and import everything into it.  Then see if you can see the tables.  If so then you had some database corruption.

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