Question : Migration of SBS 2000 to new Server Running SBS 2003

I have been following the "Migrating from Small Business Server 2000 to SBS 2003" guide from Microsoft. But I have hit a bit of a snag.

In the section on "Requirements for Installing the Destination Server" point 5, it states: "ensure that the full DNS name for the internal domain and the NetBIOS domain name are different from the DNS name for the internal domain and the NetBIOS domain name used by the source server"

This statement has confused me and I wanted to check with some great guru before proceeding with the migration!

My current config is as follows:

Source Server: NTSRVR

Destination server: TW-SRVR1

Source Server Full DNS: ntsrvr.therapyworks.local

Destination Server Full DNS: TW-SRVR1.therapyworks.local

NetBios on both server:THERAPYWORKS

I am assuming that this will not work in the migration but before I reinstall the destination server I want to be sure.

ALso does this migration process create new profiles on all the users workstations? By that I mean once they are logging into the migrated domain are they going to have a new local profile, desktop icons etc.

Please help, i have tried to find these answers in knowledge bases but have not had any sucess.

Answer : Migration of SBS 2000 to new Server Running SBS 2003

Using the Microsoft method of migration you MUST change your internal domain name... you can't have therapyworks.local on your new SBS2003 unless you use the Swing Migration method from

This method will also allow for users keeping the same profiles.

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