Question : ODBC timeout

my computer specs are dual xeon 3.0 with 3 gb ram
i use windows 2003 server standard edition
i use sql 2000 for my application which its an online game
i have serveral dataservers(applications),connectserver,joinserver,event server
i didnt have this problem till now but recently i install sp4 for sql 2000, till now i was using only sp3
so since then sometime randomly i get error: ODBC Timeout and in that moment dataservers lose connection with SQL server which is localy
its random, sometimes happend many times, sometimes happend just one time

Answer : ODBC timeout

One of your processes is probably taking too much time to complete and simply times out on the db server.  To identify you may either:

> use Profiler to catch any non completing processes (You may use Error and Warnings events)
> Increase the timeout of both the server and client and see which process runs too long

Anyway, you best friend is probably profiler...

Hope this helps...
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