Question : Windows Home Server (WHS) cannot remote connect to Server. Any ideas.
I have recently loaded Windows Home Server on a home computer.
It is working fine. I can access the web portions just fine (Share folders etc).
But when I try to connect to the Remote computer via the web, I get a time out. This happens both inside my home network and from outside like work.
I did check the Rounter and UpnP is working and ports are set correctly (80,443,3389, 5125) all pointing to the WHS.
Any other suggestions?
Answer : Windows Home Server (WHS) cannot remote connect to Server. Any ideas.
I would start by checking that the destination PC has Remote Desktop enabled on it and that the user you are using to connect with has permission to do so. Right-click My Computer -> Properties -> Remote to check if it is enabled. You would still be able to see shares but would not be able to connect via remote desktop if it is not enabled.
Hope this helps -FB