Question : HP Systems Insight Manager Version Control Repository is Empty
HP SIM 5.3 SP1
Created repository on server by going to the server in the server list, Tools & Links, clicking the link HP Version Control Repository Manager and then Configure the Repository and Automatic Update Settings.
Uploaded support packs to repository
When I go to Options -> Version Control Repository there is a message displayed on the bottom saying "This repository is empty".
When I go to Deploy -> Deploy Drivers, Firmware and Agents -> Install Software and Firmware, I basically get the same screen saying "This repository is empty".
If I go to c:\repository, there are 4,018 items in the folder.
How to I get HP SIM to see the files and support packs that exist in the c:\repository folder?
Answer : HP Systems Insight Manager Version Control Repository is Empty
After 36 hours, the VCRM now displays the contents of the repository. Guess I had to just let the server sit doing nothing for 36 hours for it to process all 4,018 files in the repository folder.
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