Question : Creating an Outlook Rule that will Handle Return Receipts
When I get an email from my family, I have a rule that moves it to a folder called FAMILY. When I get an email from my friends, I have a rule that moves it to a folder called FRIENDS.
But I am having problems with receipts. I think the Outlook purposely does not allow rules against receipts. I tried setting up a rule that looks for "Read:" in the subject line (the standard Microsoft Solution), but every now and then it moves a real email to my receipt folder because somebody replies to a receipt from me!
Does anybody know how to create a rule that: 1 - when mail get into the inbox look for the TYPE called RECEIPT 2 - mark it as read 3 - move it to the folder called RECEIPTS
I know that RECEIPTS are considered mail items; however, I can sort my INBOX by TYPE and all of the RECEIPTS are grouped together and they all have the same icon. So there has to be a tag somewhere to differentiate them. I assume I will have to write a rule in Visual Basic and I know nothing about VB.
Thanks. ...timmy king
Answer : Creating an Outlook Rule that will Handle Return Receipts
Why not configure your Outlook to automatically process recipts? This way they will be processed and then moved to the deleted items folder. After they are processed, you should be able to open the original message and see a tracking tab. This will list the data that was on the receipts, whether it be delivery or read receipts.
In Outlook, go to TOOLS>>OPTIONS. On the preferences tab click on the Email Options button. Then click on the tracking options button. Then check "process receipts on arrival".