Question : SMTP with telnet and attchement?

i am a beginer.How can i send email by telnet and i want to attach files too when sending emails, can you tell me how can do this? Will you please suggest some softwares for sending emails with attachements by telnet?

Answer : SMTP with telnet and attchement?

Using mpack should be fairly straightforward:

The program is activated with:

      mpack [options] -o outputfile inputfile

The most common options are:

     -s subject
     -d descriptionfile
          Include the contents of the file description in an
          introductory section at the beginning of the first
          generated message.

     -c content-type
          Label the included file as being of MIME type
          content-type, which must be a subtype of application,
          audio, image, or video.

     -o outputfile
          Write the generated message to the file outputfile.

For example, to create a mail-ready message with subject of "Test Message" and the attachment program.exe Base-64 encoded in the contents, use the command line:

mpack -s "Test Message" -d message.txt -c application -o program.b64 program.exe

Afterwards, you will have a file named program.b64 which looks like the following:

Mime-Version: 1.0
Subject: Test Message
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="-"

This is a MIME encoded message.  Decode it with "munpack"
or any other MIME reading software.  Mpack/munpack is available
via anonymous FTP in

The contents of the file message.txt will be inserted here

Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="program.exe"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="program.exe"

Hope this helps, and please use your newfound SMTP superpowers only for good!
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