Question : Moto Q, Exchange Server, User Accounts, and/or Active Sync problems


I have been browsing through the posts and cannot find a solution that suits me and others that are on other posts looking for a solution.  I had 1 Moto Q and 1 Verizon 6700 pda.  Both have sync'd directly with the exchange server through active sync since the beginning of 2007.  I am NOT using a SSL connection and I have had no problems.  I ordered 2 more Q's for my field guys and came across a strange problem.  When I set up their activesync, the device give the code 85010004 - "Your account in Microsoft Exchange Server does not have permission to syncronize with your current settings."  Now if I use my name and password on their device it works fine.  My bosses credentials work fine.  The technicians credentials on my device do not work either.  I imagine it has to do with their user accounts but I have even copied my account and set up a new exchange mailbox and cannot get that to work on any device.  I am at a loss and looking for some help.



Answer : Moto Q, Exchange Server, User Accounts, and/or Active Sync problems

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