Wow, this is tricky. You generally want to use the built-in profile copy within Windows to copy profiles and not brute force the file copy, i.e. BartPE. The reason that NTUSER.DAT was locked is because once you login as that account it is locked for that whole session until you reboot the PC. When you want to copy Profile A over Profile B, you need to use a third account on the PC to do the copy, otherwise you run into file locking issues.
Also, you probably have SID issues going on here. A local account on a PC as a certain SID associated with the laptop itself and not the domain. Therefore, its own SID is implanted on the profile. If a domain user tries to access that profile, they won't be able to because the SIDs won't match. So whatever account you are logging in, make sure that specific account has rights to the profile.
MYLAPTOP\susan != MYDOMAIN\susan