Question : Is there a URL to access OWA Address Book (not contact list), or invoke Find Names-Web dialog page?
There is a URL to access almost all of the folders for a certain user. i.e. https://webmail.mycoy.com/exchange/user/contacts/.
But I just can't find a URL to access the Address Book (Gobal Address List). Or at least one that invokes the Find Names - Web dialog page...
Any kind advise appreciated. ;o)
Answer : Is there a URL to access OWA Address Book (not contact list), or invoke Find Names-Web dialog page?
The URL itself is http://servername/exchange/username?Cmd=dialog&template=dlg_gal So you would need to create an url which contains the username of the current user.
Using asp:
<% d = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_USER") p = Instr(d, "\") logonUsername = LCase(Right(d, Len(d) - p)) %> http://servername/exchange/<% = logonUsername %>?Cmd=dialog&template=dlg_gal