Question : Import multiple Excel files to SQL table variables in a stored procedure
There was a solution posted for a SIMILAR problem, but it isn't working for my situation. I need to import several Exel files with a stored procedure into a table variable. This stored procedure is being called from the web @zfile is a parameter
I declare the table variable and the variable for the source file
Declare @Zip table(Zip3 varchar(3), zGroup varchar(25)); Declare @srcFile as varchar(200)
I set the string (the file names will change very time) Set @srcFile = 'Excel 8.0;Database=' + @zFile + ';HDR=Yes' And try to import to the table variable...
INSERT INTO @Zip (Zip3, zGroup) SELECT * FROM OpenDataSource( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', @srcFile)...[Sheet1$]
Then I get this error
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure CreateCPTReport, Line 33 Incorrect syntax near '@srcFile'.
Is there any way you can change the file name each time, this doesn't seem to be working and I have to do this with 4 tables every SP run
Answer : Import multiple Excel files to SQL table variables in a stored procedure
You need dynamic SQL and that can't insert into a table variable.
declare @cmd varchar(1000) Declare @Zip table(Zip3 varchar(3), zGroup varchar(25)); Declare @srcFile as varchar(200)
-- create temp table create table #zip (Zip3 varchar(3), zGroup varchar(25))
Set @srcFile = 'Excel 8.0;Database=' + @zFile + ';HDR=Yes'
set @cmd = ' INSERT INTO #Zip (Zip3, zGroup) SELECT * FROM OpenDataSource( ''Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'', ' + @srcFile+ ')...[Sheet1$]'
exec (@cmd)
-- If you really need the table variable insert @zip select * from #zip