Question : "Do not deliver before" storage??
"Do not deliver before" storage?? When "Do not send before a certain date/time" is checked in Outlook send options, where do these emails get stored and can they be deleted? I haven't found anything on the Exchange Server where these messages might be kept. I would like to delete at least one of them. Thank you...
Answer : "Do not deliver before" storage??
From http://www.winnetmag.com/MicrosoftExchangeOutlook/Article/ArticleID/7923/7923.html
"The Message Transfer Agent (MTA) maintains a separate queue for what Microsoft calls deferred messages. When you queue a message for delivery and specify that you don't want it delivered before a certain time, the message goes from the user's client to the MTA's deferred work-item queue. The client timestamps the message when it's sent, but the MTA can see that the message is marked for later delivery, so the message sits in the MTA queue until the requested sending time. This behavior can confuse users because the receiving client usually displays the original date stamp. If I queue a message to my wife today and use Do not deliver before to mark it for delivery on Valentine's Day, the message will arrivebut it will bear a timestamp of today's date! If you want to see how many deferred messages are in your MTA queue, use Performance Monitor to look at the Deferred Delivery Msgs counter of the MSExchangeMTA object."