Question : Exchange Baseline?
I'm trying to get a baseline using Perfmon counters in Exchange 2003. I'm doing this so I can add it to my Exchange Weekly tasks lists for our System Administrators but I don't know what to counter on.
Can someone give me a smart list of Counters to monitor that will act as a preventive measure and alert for maintenance that needs to be performed?
Thanks A lott
Answer : Exchange Baseline?
That is a bit harder since each envrionmnet and onces acceptable performance can be different.....
1. Ex 2003 has many built in moniotr you can use to send email alerts on resources,services,queues etc....
perfs to watch, available mem, % proc, disk queue length, exchange message queues growth, etc......
you may think of getting a product like SCOM 2007 (MOM) or a 3rd party to provide robust monitoring and reporting......