============== /srv/mercurial/hgweb.config ==============
argon\ = argon/
============== /srv/mercurial/hgwebdir.py ==============
#!/usr/bin/env python
# $Id: hgwebdir.py 1478 2008-11-21 11:09:22Z matthew $
# An example CGI script to export multiple hgweb repos, edit as necessary
# adjust python path if not a system-wide install:
#import sys
#sys.path.insert(0, "/path/to/python/lib")
# Uncomment to send python tracebacks to the browser if an error occurs:
import cgitb
# enable importing on demand to reduce startup time
# from mercurial import demandimport; demandimport.enable()
# from mercurial import demandload; demandload.enable()
# If you'd like to serve pages with UTF-8 instead of your default
# locale charset, you can do so by uncommenting the following lines.
# Note that this will cause your .hgrc files to be interpreted in
# UTF-8 and all your repo files to be displayed using UTF-8.
#import os
#os.environ["HGENCODING"] = "UTF-8"
from mercurial.hgweb.hgweb_mod import hgweb
from mercurial.hgweb.hgwebdir_mod import hgwebdir
from mercurial.hgweb.request import wsgiapplication
# The config file looks like this. You can have paths to individual
# repos, collections of repos in a directory tree, or both.
# [paths]
# virtual/path = /real/path
# virtual/path = /real/path
# [collections]
# /prefix/to/strip/off = /root/of/tree/full/of/repos
# collections example: say directory tree /foo contains repos /foo/bar,
# /foo/quux/baz. Give this config section:
# [collections]
# /foo = /foo
# Then repos will list as bar and quux/baz.
# Alternatively you can pass a list of ('virtual/path', '/real/path') tuples
# or use a dictionary with entries like 'virtual/path': '/real/path'
# application = hgwebdir('hgweb.config')
# wsgicgi.launch(application)
def make_web_app():
return hgwebdir("/srv/mercurial/hgweb.config")
def gateway(environ, start_response):
app = wsgiapplication(make_web_app)
return app(environ, start_response)
### EOF: $HeadURL: http://aventinesolutions.mine.nu/repos-nossl/config/httpd/hgwebdir.py $
============== /etc/httpd/vhosts/hg.conf ==============
DocumentRoot /srv/mercurial
ServerName hg
ServerAlias hg hg.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/domains/hg.bytes bytes
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/domains/hg.log combined
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/domains/hg.error.log
PythonPath "sys.path + [ '/srv/mercurial' ]"
PythonDebug On
SetHandler mod_python
PythonHandler modpython_gateway::handler
PythonOption SCRIPT_NAME /
PythonOption wsgi.application hgwebdir::gateway
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Argon"
AuthUserFile /srv/trac/argon/.htpasswd