Question : Launch Outlook Team Calendar from within VB.NET application

I wish to add a button to my VB.Net application which will launch a particular Microsoft Outlook Team Calendar to allow users to view / maintain appointments that relate to the application.

I have never worked with Outlook in VB.NET.  Can anyone provide me with the basic program code that allows me to do this?

Answer : Launch Outlook Team Calendar from within VB.NET application

"Sorry to be a bit slow on this but when I try the new code it just gives me my default calendar."
Is the calendar in your mailbox?

"The application needs to access the Shared Calendar called "Education" which is located in '\\Mailbox - Charles Craven\Calendar'."
Change line 9 of the code to that below.

"I assume the Recipient is the user who wants to access the calendar and not the person who owns the calendar."
Incorrect.  The recipient is the owner of the shared calendar.

olkCalendar = olkSession.GetSharedDefaultFolder(olkRecipient, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderCalendar).Folders("Education")
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