Question : Visual Basic Compile Error Hidden Module:  Auto Exec

I just did a reformat of my computer, I have Windows XP home.  I have installed Microsoft Office, and everytime I open Word, I get an installation screen, and then I get the "Visual Basic Compile Error Hidden Module:  Auto Exec" message.  When I click "OK" I can use Word.  When I close word I get the same Error message.  I tried to do the Macro/compile repair from the repair I found in this website's search, but I do not see a file to delete.  I have no clue what is happening, and I am afraid I know enough to get me into trouble, but not enough to fix this problem.  Pleas help.  It took me 3 days to reformat and get all my programs loadded back on my computer.  I really need to fix this because I am afraid it will lead to other problems.


Answer : Visual Basic Compile Error Hidden Module:  Auto Exec

I'm betting you have Norton Antivirus, which is known to cause problems with Word 2000. If not, there are a number of other programs that are known to cause problems as well. Below are some relevant hits from the Microsoft Knowledge Base. In most cases, the remedy is to move some files out of your Word start-up folder. To find the location of this folder, launch Word and open the Tools...Options...File locations menu item. You may need to click the "Modify" button to be able to see the full path.

Conflict with Goldmine & Norton Antivirus;en-us;313456
Conflict with Goldmine or Norton Antivirus;en-us;314127
Conflict with Norton Antivirus or Acrobat;en-us;307410
Conflicts with any of a number of other applications
Conflict with unspecified program that stores its add-in in Word start-up folder;en-us;328167
General troubleshooting of Compile or runtime errors;en-us;555221

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