Question : How do I replace a dll-file in the System32 directory?
Hi, my company sells a software that uses an third party licens component. When we try to run the program in Vista we get some problems. I've isolated the problem down to two dll-files (IEFRAME.DLL and SHLWAPI.DLL) in the Windows\System32 directory. They have been changed since XP and I need to replace the new ones (Vista) with the XP versions of the files.
I need answers to both my questions to give full point: 1) How can I replace the new Vista dll-files with the older XP dll-files? 2) What consequence can this (these two files) have to Vista?
Regards, Perry
Answer : How do I replace a dll-file in the System32 directory?
You cannot just replace the Vista DLLs - it will upset vista and other apps that rely on them, and anyway sfc may well just replace them. Ideally re-write to code to use the new DLLs or place the old DLLs in your programs installation folder.