Question : Genuine Advantage Tool


I have a machine which is using WIndows XP SP2 & i have installed the Windows Genuine Advantage Tool.
Is there a way i can remove this tool completely from Windows or is it like embedded into my O/S now?

Any help would be appreciated.

Answer : Genuine Advantage Tool

If this question ends up in the Kb, then for the sake of completeness we should include the proceedure:

1. Use regedit and goto
delete folder "Wgalogon" and all the contents

2. set your system folders to unhide Folder view or you won't see dllcache folder

3. go to c:\windows\system32,
rename WgaTray.exe to WgaTray.exeold
rename Wgalogon.dll to Wgalogon.dllold

4. go to c:\windows\system32\dllcache,
rename WgaTray.exe to WgaTray.exeold
rename Wgalogon.dll to Wgalogon.dllold

5. kill wgatray.exe in Task Manager.

I don't usually bother with safe-mode to do this...
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