Question : Help with mouseover in Flash MX2004
I have a movie of a map in the center, and location names on each side of the map. I need help creating a hidden "buttons" layer under the locations text. I would like a set of crosshairs to appear over the map each time a location is hovered over. I want the crosshairs to disappear on mouseout, and reappear in another location when another location is mouseovered.
Bonus: I would like to attempt having the crosshairs appear and float over the map and move to the correct coordinates on mouseover, but if the mouse pointer is not over any location, then I want the pointer to disappear. The original request above will have the pointer abruptly popping up in different places, but this bonus request would be more of a "floaty" effect. Shadowing would be great too. Double points (500) if bonus is achieved. : )
Thanks in advance.
Answer : Help with mouseover in Flash MX2004
the 2nd idea is you dont have to break all the map image into the Movieclip but rather you store the map location in the array list.
create chrosshairs movieclip and when the text "Australia" Rollover or Release , move the chrosshair movieclip to the coordinate position.
// btn_Australia , this is a text act as button , "Australia" // mc_Crosshairs , this is Movieclip that contain Crosshairs Image
btn_Australia.onRollOver=function(){ mc_Crosshairs ._alpha=100; // show mc_Crosshairs mc_Crosshairs ._x=90; // move mc_Crosshairs to specific coordinate mc_Crosshairs ._y=90; // move mc_Crosshairs to specific coordinate }
btn_Australia.onRollOut=function(){ mc_Crosshairs ._alpha=0; //hide mc_Crosshairs }