Question : Problem using ActiveSync w/ Palm OS - SSL Certificates


My company recently converted from Lotus Notes to Exchange 2007, and they are piloting the use of ActiveSync.  Since it is a pilot program, they aren't giving much in the way of support.

My account has been setup for Activesync, however, each time I try to sync, I am getting an error regarding an expired SSL Certificate on my device (Palm 755p with Versamail 4.0.1).  After a couple of weeks of researching, I found various methods for extracting the SSL Certificates our OWA site uses, including the use of the SSL Chain Saver utility:

I have also tried going to my OWA site from outside our network, and manually saving/exporting the certificates in DER form, as recommended.

I then imported these SSL Certificates with Palms CertMod tool:

It seems every which way I try to save the SSL certificates and import them, I am still getting the same error message, including when I navigate to the OWA site using Palms Blazer web browser.
Again, since this is in "pilot" mode at my company, our Exchange team has shut the door on support.  I think the final straw was when I asked if they could give me the SSL Certificate, straight from the source.  Very frustrating...

The certificates seem to reference our OWA site by the exact URL, so I think I am close

I appreciate your time.  - John

Answer : Problem using ActiveSync w/ Palm OS - SSL Certificates

My client felt similar, the owner of the company had a Palm and had to wait and extra week for me to get his palm working.  All the WM6 and iPhones worked out of the gates.  It sounds very unlikely that the Exchange team would be willing to go to the pains of getting the necessary certificate and lowering their security settings (removing the Exchange active sync mailbox policy).

I think your only possibility is to see if you can set it up with POP3 or IMAP instead of Activesync.
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