Question : dump and load in sybase

1) I have sybase 12.5 eval version on winnt and win2000.
2) I tried to create a login in sybase central java station and pressed the finish button instead pf next.
3) It hanged and I had to end task using task manager.
4) Now I tried to shutdown adaptive SQL server service in services of control panel.
5) At this time some people were connected via java applications or directly like me. The service was not stopping. So I closed the window and it displayed as stopped.
6) Now I gave shutdown command logged in as sa in master database. It gave the following message.
7) Shutdown in progress. The transaction log in database master is almost full.  Your transaction is being suspended until space is made available in the log.
8) So I disconnected from all java and SQL clients and restarted my system and to my pleasant surprise the service started properly on manual mode start.
9) Now, I try to alter database, dump database or transaction, I get The transaction log in database master is almost full. Your transaction is being suspended until space is made available in the log.
10) How do I get around this problem. Is it due to invalid login creation and end task OR closing services window since service not stopping OR since the transaction log in master database is full.
11) Can you give me clear cut steps/commands to dump database/transaction & load datbase/transaction. Also I would like create & alter database examples.
12) Please give me a HTML link or a pdf downloadable document link. If you have good document you can send to

--- k_murli_krishna

Answer : dump and load in sybase

Using just isql, log in and try this:

dump tran master with truncate_only

If that gets an 1105 error (out of space in segment),

dump tran master with no_log

That will free space in master, if there is any to be freed.  If that worked, then have a look for user tables or procedures that have been created in master.  If you need to extract their content, do so, then drop them.  You and your users should not be creating user objects in the master database.

To answer one of your sideline questions: rebooting ASE will clear many issues like unreleased locks.  However, it does not clear a full transaction log.

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